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Liliac Delusion Tour 2025 | Bratislava  For sale

Start: 27.07.2025 20:00 Add to Google calendar

Venue: Randal Club Bratislava

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LILIAC, the ‘First Family of Rock’, is a 5-piece hard rock band from Los Angeles. The band is fronted by Melody, lead guitarist Samuel, drummer Abigail, bassist Ethan and keyboardist JusGn. The sibling’s talents were discovered by their dear father, Papa Liliac, also the band’s manager and producer. AKer many crazy nights, they honed their craK as weekend street performers on the Santa Monica pier. Their sound takes the listener back to a Gme when rock was complex but told a story! LILIAC’s raspy vocals, catchy lyrics, scorching guitar solos, sparkling keys, thick bass and thunderous drumming provides a familiar, but fresh take on classic hard rock.

The band iniGally went viral on social media for their impressive covers, and videos, of classic rock and metal songs. This opened the door for LILIAC to appear on The World’s Best on CBS and America’s Got Talent, catapulGng them to internaGonal recogniGon. It is no mystery why their covers of Rainbow in the Dark and the Trooper won the hearts of millions and had people dancing in the dark.

LILIAC was not afraid and began wriGng their own hook-heavy, original material produced in their home studio by Papa Liliac. Their debut original album, Chain of Thorns, was released early 2019 and hit #1 on Amazon’s Best Seller for Rock Music Charts; proving why they say “we are the children” sent to save rock n’ roll.


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