Jeff Arcuri: Whole Wide World Tour / Divadlo Hybernia / 17.06.2025 Sold out

Start: 17.06.2025 19:00 Add to Google calendar
Venue: Divadlo Hybernia
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Jeff Arcuri is finally in Prague!
New York star Jeff Arcuri, called a "joke machine" as described by The Chicago Tribune, is heading to Prague as part of his Whole World Wide Tour. Jeff Arcuri has appeared on a number of prestigious shows in the past such as Stephen Colbert's The Late Show, Comedy Central's Roast Battle, Laughs! on Fox TV, SiriusXM and countless comedy festivals around the US. As a New York City resident, you can regularly see him at The Comedy Cellar club. Jeff's unforgettable stand-up comedy show will take place on June 17, 2025 in the Hybernia theater in Prague.
Don't hesitate and book your place now!
Jeff Arcuri konečně v Praze!
Newyorkská hvězda Jeff Arcuri nazývaný "mašina na vtipy", jak ho označil The Chicago Tribune, míří do Prahy v rámci svého Whole World Wide Tour. Jeff Arcuri se v minulosti objevil v řadě prestižních show jako The Late Show Stephena Colberta, Comedy Central's Roast Battle, v pořadu Laughs! na televizi Fox, SiriusXM a na nepočítatelně comedy festivalech okolo USA. Jako rezidenta města New York ho pravidelně můžete vídat v klubu The Comedy Cellar. Jeffova nezapomenutelná stand-up comedy show se uskuteční 17.6.2025 v pražském divadle Hybernia.
Neváhejte a rezervujete si svoje místo už nyní!