All American Fest 2024 It took place

Start: 30.08.2024 14:00 Add to Google calendar
Venue: Výstaviště Praha Holešovice
Psst ... Do you have tickets and can't attend the event? No problem! ♻️
Experience 3 days of American-style fun in the center of Prague! Explore the newest, oldest, and most interesting Harley-Davidson bikes, including hundreds of motorcycles parade riding through historic Prague.
Enjoy test rides, custom rides, iconic American cars, a showcase of American Smoke & Fire cuisine and music, thrilling American sports, adrenaline-pumping competitions for the young and old…
You can even take a ride on the legendary Route 66! In fact, the European Festival Route 66 is part of the All American Fest, including esteemed international guests. All of this awaits you at the Prague Exhibition Grounds at the beginning of September 2024.
All American Fest 2024, that's Prague Harley Days, FMX Gladiator Games Open Air, Smoke & Fire Food Fest and European Festival Route 66 at the Prague Exhibition Grounds from 30 August to 01 September 2024!
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